Ja oder nein?

Hallå där!
Today i was "looking for a job" i never thought that it was going to be so hard. :/ But i really hope to get it! :DD
Kisses! <3
// Vale
Today i was "looking for a job" i never thought that it was going to be so hard. :/ But i really hope to get it! :DD
Kisses! <3
// Vale
Haha, comete un helado. :P
// V
// V
Hello! Today i was chatting with Amit from the A-Teens!! :D
Vale - hey Amit!
Amit Paul - Hey vale!
Vale - how are you
Amit Paul - I'm good... u?
Vale - i'm really surprised to talk to you!
Vale - very very good! and very happy now:P
Amit Paul - ok... pratar du svenska?
Amit Paul - good to hear
Vale - ja! liten ^^'
Amit Paul - I have some language confusion
Amit Paul - where are you from?
Vale - vill du prata på svenska? :O
Amit Paul - whichever your more comfortable with
Vale - Mexiko är här!!! :D
Amit Paul - do you wanna ask anything in particular
Amit Paul - cool!!!
Amit Paul - I like that
Vale - ;)
Amit Paul - Mexiko is a great country
Vale - when will you release here in Mexico? :(
Amit Paul - I like them pyramids of yours!
Vale - yes, it is ;)
Amit Paul - dunno
Vale - yes, well you know that you are more than welcome here :D
Amit Paul - it will be as soon as I can get it out here... it depends a little on how stuff goes
Vale - please come to Mexico one day :D
Amit Paul - I will... I loved playing there and
Amit Paul - I really wanna come back
Amit Paul - soon.
Amit Paul - as soon as I can
Vale - specifically to León! :D
Vale - :P
Amit Paul - :)
Vale - i read your message at the myspace
Amit Paul - cool...
Vale - and is okay =)
Amit Paul - I'm happy you found your way here
Vale - i'm happy you could get time to answer :)
Amit Paul - :)
Amit Paul - take care
Vale - buuhu! but i won't go to Sweden this year :(
Amit Paul - I'm sorry to hear that...
Amit Paul - really sucks
Amit Paul - Hej hej
Amit Paul - kram
Amit Paul - kärlek
Amit Paul - hejdå
P.S. I saw him by the webcam!!! :D
It really made me feel happy!
// Vale
Vale - hey Amit!
Amit Paul - Hey vale!
Vale - how are you
Amit Paul - I'm good... u?
Vale - i'm really surprised to talk to you!
Vale - very very good! and very happy now:P
Amit Paul - ok... pratar du svenska?
Amit Paul - good to hear
Vale - ja! liten ^^'
Amit Paul - I have some language confusion
Amit Paul - where are you from?
Vale - vill du prata på svenska? :O
Amit Paul - whichever your more comfortable with
Vale - Mexiko är här!!! :D
Amit Paul - do you wanna ask anything in particular
Amit Paul - cool!!!
Amit Paul - I like that
Vale - ;)
Amit Paul - Mexiko is a great country
Vale - when will you release here in Mexico? :(
Amit Paul - I like them pyramids of yours!
Vale - yes, it is ;)
Amit Paul - dunno
Vale - yes, well you know that you are more than welcome here :D
Amit Paul - it will be as soon as I can get it out here... it depends a little on how stuff goes
Vale - please come to Mexico one day :D
Amit Paul - I will... I loved playing there and
Amit Paul - I really wanna come back
Amit Paul - soon.
Amit Paul - as soon as I can
Vale - specifically to León! :D
Vale - :P
Amit Paul - :)
Vale - i read your message at the myspace
Amit Paul - cool...
Vale - and is okay =)
Amit Paul - I'm happy you found your way here
Vale - i'm happy you could get time to answer :)
Amit Paul - :)
Amit Paul - take care
Vale - buuhu! but i won't go to Sweden this year :(
Amit Paul - I'm sorry to hear that...
Amit Paul - really sucks
Amit Paul - Hej hej
Amit Paul - kram
Amit Paul - kärlek
Amit Paul - hejdå
P.S. I saw him by the webcam!!! :D
It really made me feel happy!
// Vale
Friends, Friends, Friends!! :)
Today i was boooring so i had a wonderful idea call by the telephone to some of my old friends from the secondary school :) well, so i started to try and the first was my best friend Gaby but her telephone was "not available" so we didn't talk it made me feel a little sad.
I called Valeria my best friend when i was at the first year in the secondary school and a man answered me so i asked for Vale and he told me that she doesn't live there anymore buuhu! so i couldn't talk to her EITHER!
My third option call to Elena the girl from 3 "F" we were not at the same classroom but we were a good friends :) uff! Christian made me feel sad when he said to Elena he was in love with me and not with her. Anyway I didn't find her EITHER ONCE AGAIN!
So I thought about Adriana my ex-best friend we were fighting for a lot of boys :S but I didn't find her EITHER! Buuua! It was more than bored. XD
Finally my last option try to call to Monse :P and I FOUND HER!! Well, we were talking about all those good times when we were together :) and she has been talking with some of our ex-classmates (now more than friends) and at the same classroom is Martha and Pablo, she sees sometimes to Mariana, Adriana, Betty, Lupita, Karina, Leobardo, Adolfo, Christian, Cristina, Susana, etc. uff! She has seen a lot of them and I haven't seen to anyone :S I can't believe that or yes I can it is because I live in the north of this city and all they live in the south. :/ Anyway, I hope to be with all them next weekend or something like that. I just want to see them once agaaaain!
Haha, by the way she was saying me that Christian is very handsome now :O I am not saying he was ugly before I was in love with him when I started at that school just for a week I think :) and he was all the whole year in love with me and wanted to be my boyfriend hehe, he and Octavio were telling me the last days :) apart I think I have seen him before near of my grandparents house I told it to Monse and she said he can't be there because he lives near of the secondary so? Anyway, I still think that he has been that person i know it sounds weird! ¬¬ if I see him I'll ask...
Kramaaaaar! <3
// Vale
Today i was boooring so i had a wonderful idea call by the telephone to some of my old friends from the secondary school :) well, so i started to try and the first was my best friend Gaby but her telephone was "not available" so we didn't talk it made me feel a little sad.
I called Valeria my best friend when i was at the first year in the secondary school and a man answered me so i asked for Vale and he told me that she doesn't live there anymore buuhu! so i couldn't talk to her EITHER!
My third option call to Elena the girl from 3 "F" we were not at the same classroom but we were a good friends :) uff! Christian made me feel sad when he said to Elena he was in love with me and not with her. Anyway I didn't find her EITHER ONCE AGAIN!
So I thought about Adriana my ex-best friend we were fighting for a lot of boys :S but I didn't find her EITHER! Buuua! It was more than bored. XD
Finally my last option try to call to Monse :P and I FOUND HER!! Well, we were talking about all those good times when we were together :) and she has been talking with some of our ex-classmates (now more than friends) and at the same classroom is Martha and Pablo, she sees sometimes to Mariana, Adriana, Betty, Lupita, Karina, Leobardo, Adolfo, Christian, Cristina, Susana, etc. uff! She has seen a lot of them and I haven't seen to anyone :S I can't believe that or yes I can it is because I live in the north of this city and all they live in the south. :/ Anyway, I hope to be with all them next weekend or something like that. I just want to see them once agaaaain!
Haha, by the way she was saying me that Christian is very handsome now :O I am not saying he was ugly before I was in love with him when I started at that school just for a week I think :) and he was all the whole year in love with me and wanted to be my boyfriend hehe, he and Octavio were telling me the last days :) apart I think I have seen him before near of my grandparents house I told it to Monse and she said he can't be there because he lives near of the secondary so? Anyway, I still think that he has been that person i know it sounds weird! ¬¬ if I see him I'll ask...
Kramaaaaar! <3
// Vale
I saw a picture of Daniel on his display and he was kissing another girl and that was not me XD... i dont know if i should be sad but i'm not now Markus told me something and he made me happy this day. i dont know if i should talk to Daniel =S
I said some words to Markus and he told me "you make me feel happy" or something like that so i'm sooo glad about it =). we were joking about Daniel he says that maybe Daniel is gay and i agree he was wearing make up on his face in this picture =S ...
Kramar! <3
// Vale
I said some words to Markus and he told me "you make me feel happy" or something like that so i'm sooo glad about it =). we were joking about Daniel he says that maybe Daniel is gay and i agree he was wearing make up on his face in this picture =S ...
Kramar! <3
// Vale
Weel, i was on a part with some friends at Ulises home and at the school those were really funny, but we were a little drunk and i have to say i was the sober ^^ anyway, we have a lot of fun!! and is the best part in my life (i think so (o: ) and of course we were the best and all were in love of us XD...
anyway, here are some pics of that day ;) 26/10/2007
obviously i have noticed those last days that my classmates love me! :) and that makes me feel so happy! :D

Liza, Rodrigo, Josúe, Cecilia, Josúe, Ulises, Karina and Me!
anyway, here are some pics of that day ;) 26/10/2007

Liza, Rodrigo, Josúe, Cecilia, Josúe, Ulises, Karina and Me!
My Beautiful City!!
Mis Autógrafos
OMG! No lo puedo creer no había puesto aquí mis queridisimos autógrafos de Jimmy Jansson
y de Anders Johansson =P de cualquier forma aquí están =), que Amanda me consiguió el de Jimmy y Lovisa el de Anders ¡¡Gracias Niñas!!

// Vale
// Vale
Mis Artistas/Cantantes Favoritos
Ahora he decidio poner mis cantantes y bandas favoritas aquí y algunas de las letras de sus canciones xD haha, ya no sé que poner
1. A-Teens. Ellos serán siempre mi banda favorita y me siguen gustando más después de escuchar sus canciones por eso tienen un lugar muuuuy especial en mi corazón
2. Jimmy Jansson. Uh! si le tengo que dar las gracias a Jessica porqué ella fue la que me hablo de él y todavía soy su fan, lo amo lo amo lo amo
3. 5ive/Five. Oh! que lastima que se hayan separado
no importa me sigo acordando de ellos y ¡¡me siguen gustando muchiiiiiiisiiiiimo!!
4. Westlife. Me siguen gustando aunque tengo que aceptar que ahora me gustan menos que antes, ahora todos están casados menos mi Kian, pero tiene novia
Bueno creo que esos son mis favoritos hasta ahora
// Vale
1. A-Teens. Ellos serán siempre mi banda favorita y me siguen gustando más después de escuchar sus canciones por eso tienen un lugar muuuuy especial en mi corazón
2. Jimmy Jansson. Uh! si le tengo que dar las gracias a Jessica porqué ella fue la que me hablo de él y todavía soy su fan, lo amo lo amo lo amo
3. 5ive/Five. Oh! que lastima que se hayan separado
4. Westlife. Me siguen gustando aunque tengo que aceptar que ahora me gustan menos que antes, ahora todos están casados menos mi Kian, pero tiene novia
Bueno creo que esos son mis favoritos hasta ahora
// Vale
La Biblioteca
hoy fui a la biblioteca con mi papá, mi mami, Ilse, Yaya, mi tía Martha y Sophi
hoy no pude ver ninguna película todas estaban ocupadas ¬¬, pero hoy usé una compu
obvio me conecte en el msn y me pusé a chatear con Sannie, Anna, Oliver, y algunos más también estuve leyendo algunos libros de ballet =D y también uno de algunas escritoras nórdicas obvio leí las suecas pero creo que las noruegas también están buenas =D en fin no me cansó de decir que la biblioteca esta hermosisima

Olalala, mira nada más como se planea el teatro creo que cruzare mis dedos para que también lo hagan aquí en León
. (o biblioteca =S) en fin es muy bonita =).

Olalala, mira nada más como se planea el teatro creo que cruzare mis dedos para que también lo hagan aquí en León
Cumple de Sofí
Ayér fue el cumple de Sofí
obvio todos vinieron (¡¡por fin!! xD) y bueno estuvo super divertido, vinieron todos mis primos los chicos obvio porqué Noé pues no le hablamos e Isaac tiene un bebito de un mes (creo =S) y los hijos de mi tío Javier ni hablar xD de todos modos no hicieron falta ni nada por el estilo no se les extraño xD bueno tomamos muchisimas fotos más de 100 obvio mi papá se puso furioso xD nos volvimos a acabar las pilas de la cámara =P bueno ahí van algunas fotos =).
Ahí está el topis, Sofí
, Petoso, Yaye, Natallia, Ilse y mís tillis Claudia
, todos posando para la foto xD.
Hahaha, en la noche si parece que nos pasamos haciendonos foto sesiones o algo así creo que salimos un poco distraidos y el "petoso" tan cochinin como siempre xD
// Vale
Ahí está el topis, Sofí
Hahaha, en la noche si parece que nos pasamos haciendonos foto sesiones o algo así creo que salimos un poco distraidos y el "petoso" tan cochinin como siempre xD
// Vale